2014 reflections and 2015 ambitions.
2014 is coming to a close. And with deep sadness I have to part ways with my favorite year to date. But I have all the confidence in the world that 2015 will be a fabulous year full of even more bliss, changes and memories! 2014 was full of challenges, self-realizations and pursuing and accomplishing my dreams.
In 2014 I am proud to say...
I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and double minors in Journalism and Communication.
I scored a wonderful, paid internship right out of school that taught me so much about time management, visual communication and digital design.
I landed my dream career within the design and fashion world at the Seattle Nordstrom Headquarters as a Web Designer working on projects that challenge me and excite me with the funniest and most down to earth team of coworkers.
I started up some creative side projects like this blog, West Coast Aesthetic, that keep me inspired and enthused to be a designer.
I am finding balance when it comes to work and play. I'm working hard to prove myself in this industry especially starting out at a new job. But, I have learned how to "turn off the work brain" when I am home. I am able to soak in the moments that could otherwise be missed if I was constantly living my life based off of a To Do list.
I have made more friends, I have stronger relationships with my boyfriend, best friends and my family than I have ever had before and I am truly focused on the people that matter and I have cut ties with the people who have proven that they don't.
I have had some of the most amazing memories throughout 2014 and I just couldn't resist sharing some of my favorite ones:
2014, you were full of creativity, realizations, challenges, accomplishments and you made me a better person, designer, daughter, girlfriend and friend. I am excited for what 2015 has in store. I'm not a fan of making resolutions, maybe it's the stigma that they are the dreams you'll never achieve or goals you'll never finish -- but, I too am guilty of having some aspirations for 2015 to make it the most spectacular year on record:
- I aspire to freelance and take on more creative projects in 2015, I want to work on building a stronger online blog and design presence. I want to do this because I am passionate and because I WANT TO not because I feel like I HAVE TO or SHOULD. I want to always make being creative fun and not a dreaded priority.
- I aspire to be successful at my career and take on projects that are challenging but will help me grow as a designer, person and #GIRLBOSS (sorry, I had to. Thanks, Sophia Amoruso!)
- I want to make wherever I live a home. I've never had the opportunity to live alone, and as of right now, that's a decision I am wanting to make if it works out financially in the coming months. I can't wait to have the opportunity to decorate my home and make it my own personal space. And I can't wait to explore a new city that I will call my home. I want to be adventurous and okay with trying new things by myself and make new memories in a new place.
- And most of all, I aspire to remain self-aware of what makes me happy, inspired, stressed out and upset. Being in touch with my emotions, wants/needs and beliefs has made me a stronger and happier person and I aspire to maintain this lifestyle in the coming year.
Well enough about me and my bittersweet goodbyes to one heck of a 2014. I wish you all a joyous and safe New Years and transition into 2015. Take the time to celebrate with the ones you love and celebrate another year coming to a close (whether 2014 was good or bad) another year is ahead, and the opportunities for it are endless!