WOMEN ARE MAGIC | Kami Olavarria


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@kamiolavarria | kamiolavarria.com

1. Tell me a little bit about you, who is Kami outside of work?

I am thankful that 2020 gave me the opportunity to really understand who Kami is outside of work - my business defined my identity and self-worth for soooo long. 

First and foremost, I'm a wife and dog mom (I love my rescue daughter Bellatrix more than anything!). Fitness/lifting and health are my biggest hobbies/passions/motivations and you can always find me at the gym every morning.

I'm also SUPER into all things true crime - books, podcasts, documentaries, whatever I can get my hands on. I'm a massive Harry Potter enthusiast (it's the closest thing I have to a religion these days!) and love reading in general, the spookier and more mysterious, the better. Game nights are my jam - I'm always down to learn a new game but Settlers of Catan is my favorite and I'm way too competitive for my own good (a different side in me comes out and it's terrifying to everyone involved!). I love time with friends, could spend all day any day at the beach, and live for a good margarita and fish tacos. 


2. What do you do for work?

I am a wedding photographer based in San Diego, California! 

3. As a female entrepreneur working in a very competitive industry, what are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced within your industry / the workplace?

In my particular industry (the wedding industry), I actually feel like it's pretty woman-dominated! The only time I've ever noticed anything gender-related is if I have a male assistant or second shooter with me, people will always go to him first and assume he's the one in charge and assume I am HIS assistant.

At weddings I am constantly asked what my "day job" is (and ALWAYS from men) - and maybe they wouldn't ask a male photographer the same question? Maybe it does come up more than I realize, but usually from guests, very rarely from people in the actual industry.

 4. How have you been staying creative/inspired during a pandemic?

This has been sooooo challenging, because with my job in particular, it really requires people being around each other. But I am actually extremely proud of how I've kept myself inspired even when weddings weren't happening in the way they used to! I ended up being so grateful for the break because it really allowed me to dive headfirst into education and learning new things I've wanted to learn forever but never had the time to. When you're in the grind of shooting constantly, it's so hard to find the time to slow down and learn new things to make yourself a better photographer. I really took advantage of the forced break to take courses and learn new skills and become the best photographer possible - I truly feel better and more prepared to serve my couples more than ever before. I am PUMPED to get back into shooting a wedding season! 

I also took the opportunity to launch new parts of my business I've been dreaming about for years, but again, never had the time to bring to life with the volume of weddings I was shooting year after year. I launched my preset shop, filmed a course I've been dreaming of and drafting for 3 years, and launched a podcast for creative entrepreneurs with a friend of mine (it's called Don't Take This Personally, check it out!). It's easy to be discouraged about what the last year has looked like, but then I look back at all of this and can truly feel proud.

5. What women in your life inspire you and why?

I have so many powerful and inspiring women in my life, it would take forever to list. I'm not just saying this because it's her blog, but Allison Wagner has been a huge inspiration to me so early on. We met in college and became fast friends - I feel like we had a hard time connecting with people our age because we were so driven and motivated really early on. She was one of my first girlboss friends who showed me the importance of female friendships who will cheer you on and inspire you to be your best self. I have so many friendships like this and they are so important!

6. What advice would you give to women who want to pursue a new life direction -- whether that be moving to a new city, pursuing a new career path, starting a side hustle or choosing a new major in school?

Honestly life is too damn short to not LOVE your life. It's never too late to change your mind and it's never too late to start over. I was terrified to move to San Diego, I thought I would lose all the momentum I had built for my business in Washington, but something in me KNEW I had to do it anyway because that's where I wanted to build my life. Ironically, it ended up being the thing that propelled my business forward and changed my life in all the best ways.

THERE ARE JUST NO RULES! Act quickly because the longer you wait, once you finally do the damn thing, you'll be like "WHY DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG TO DO THIS?!" 

Another part to this I want to emphasize is no one is judging you for your decisions as much as you think they are. Everyone is just consumed in their own journey and no one is really thinking about you as much as you think they are, so you might as well just do what makes you happy!


7. How do you balance a job, personal life and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

I truly believe the idea of 'balance' is a myth - nothing is ever perfectly balanced at all times! When I was striving for that, I felt like I was constantly failing and it really affected my mental health. I heard a really helpful metaphor that has changed how I view the quest for 'balance' - it's more like all the different parts of your life are dials. Some weeks, the business dial is turned up and the other dials get turned down, but then the next week I'm going to turn the other dials up (like time with friends or down time) without panicking, because I know the work dial will get turned back up again.

I very rarely feel like everything is perfectly 'balanced' at all times. I try to align my actions and energy with what I'm feeling like in a given day or week, and know the other dials will get turned up and down accordingly throughout the weeks or months! And the end result is a pretty well rounded life.

8. What are some ways you implement self-care?

For me, exercising daily and preparing healthy food is an absolute essential and non-negotiable for me to feel my best and have the best energy to give into the world. First and foremost, that's the commitment I make to myself! Before I had my dog, I would just work all day every day, but having her has also helped with my self care tremendously. I end up really naturally ending my work days around 4 or 5 so I can take her on a walk, and that's been fantastic for my self-care to help me set some boundaries around my work days. I also go to therapy every Tuesday evening, which no matter how busy I 'feel' is another non-negotiable. And my husband and I have a commitment to each other that we take every Monday off together, because both being self-employed, we would just work everyday if we had no boundaries around that. 

For me, self-care doesn't look like bubble baths and massages (although there's absolutely nothing wrong with that) - but it's keeping the commitments to myself that I know make me feel like the best versions of myself, not feeling guilty for non-productive time, and learning to say no!


9. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders, movers and shakers?

There are literally no rules - you have all the power to create the life you want. Do what you love and the money will follow! Work hard and treat people well, and you really can create the life of your dreams. All that sounded cheesy but I've found all those truths to be pretty spot-on in my life!


10. How can women advocate for each other?

The best thing women can do for each other is be there for each other and lift each other up. I think the single greatest thing we can do for one another is NOT see each other as competition - be each other's champions and cheer each other on!

11. What is your power color and why?

ORANGE! I just feel so happy when I'm around the color orange.

12. What is your female anthem – the song that hypes you up and makes you feel like a girl boss and that you can take on anything in the world? 

I've been LOVING Lizzo when I've been lifting! In my work days or working out, I've been *LOVING* the Big Bootie Playlists (find them on Soundcloud by Two Friends) - I never feel more motivated than when I'm listening to those playlists. You’ll thank me later.


Portrait illustrations are by Hailey Coral.
